The OTA password has been lost and can not get the ESPhome flasher to upload over the air via ESPhome. Is there a way to reset the Athom plug so a new binary can be uploaded via OTA?
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There is no reset to factory settings' feature. Besides parsing an adecuate bin file as already mentioned previously you still have 3 more options to recover from a lost OTA password:
1/ Generaly a fall back AP (access point) is configured on the ESPHome devices. It might have a password too. This password is different from the OTA password.
2/ You might be able to recover the OTA password from the older yaml configuration files on the home assistant server. I found the quickest way to recover this file is to look in the backup files. If you don't have a backup you can perform a full backup of HA using the HA web interface, then download that backup file on your local computer and untar it (untar on Windows can be done with the free 7zip utility). Search for the older yaml files in this folder \homeassistant\esphome\.esphome\trash.
3/ Third method is more invasive as it requires you to open the plug and connect to it using a serial adapter to upload a new firmware directly. A little electronics skills are required here. Also if you don't know how electrons can zap you then leave that to a professional before you get hurt.
Good luck
I'm coming to ask the same thing. I mistakenly thought removing the password from the configuration would flash it without a password. Unfortunately I was wrong and ESPHome won't flash without the old OTA password. I've tried holding the button a long time and power cycling every 2 seconds for about a minute. So far the device hasn't reset.